Mass transit and major metropolitan city roadways and highway infrastructures are changing. Adoption of near-silent electric transit buses poses an increased risk to pedestrians and cyclists. Major organizations such as Vision Zero, Transport of London – Mayor of London, and US DOT, are among many who have voiced this increased concern for pedestrian and cyclist safety. Public Transportation Safety Int’l Corp is at the forefront of innovation and has developed new technology to address these increased risks.
More transit properties such as Gillig in California are making their buses ready to fit S-1 Gard Danger Zone Deflectors on their new future bus orders for customers requesting these products and New Flyer Industries of Winnipeg, Canada is installing the S-1 Gard Danger Zone Deflectors for customers requesting it on new bus orders.
Keolis, a multinational transport company headquartered in Paris, France, at their 2023 Keolis Innovation Awards ceremony, gave the Prize in the Personal & Safety Security category to Public Transportation Safety Int’l Corp’s S-1 Gard which is deployed in Sweden at both front and rear wheels of buses. This award recognizes outstanding innovation in mass transit safety.
PTS currently has two safety devices available, the S-1 Gard Danger Zone Deflector and the Smart Barrier – F (Front). The Smart Barrier – F offers extra protection for when the front wheel turns.
The Smart Barrier – S (Side) will be ready in 2024 which will need OEM’s technical support to integrate mounting system to the frame due to different body configuration design.
PTS is proud to install its exterior safety control systmes on major fleets such as World Disney, LAX and other world airports, major cities, and in Sweden.
PTS’ technical crew is looking forward to working with OEMs when transit agents are requesting the best safety technology available today for pedestrian and cyclist safety.
For every part sold to agencies in designated areas, PTS will donate one-third (1/3) of the gross sales price per part to bicycle and pedestrian advocate groups to enable them to better inform their riders and the public about Vision Zero initiatives related to side guard protection which reduces catastrophic injury and death from accidents due to street traffic congestion caused by electric bicycles, scooters, and same-day delivery agents.
Please view the videos below.
Smart Barrier – S – CES 2023
Smart Barrier – S
Smart Barrier – F
Keolis innovation award for safety 2023
Discovery Video Presentation
Barrier Receiver Management System tested for the initial one year in service.
Barrier Receiver Management System in service in Malmö.

UC Davis – first in North America to install BRMS

BRMS retrofitted for a evaluation in service.

LAX International Airport

Steel rod life rails installed. Taiwan transit.

The City of Monebello

Steel rod life rails installed, Taiwan transit.